Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Deeply Rooted in the Teachings of Christ~ Luke 20-21:36

Chapter 20
Lesson 1: V.1-8 “You don’t have to explain yourself to people that are not willing to do the same for you.”

Lesson 2: V.9-18 “When the sent leaders of God come with His instructions obey them or else..”

Lesson 3: V.19-26 “God promotes proper priority.”

Lesson 4: V.27-40 “Resurrection is a true benefit for every believer, but only for eternal gain.”

Lesson 5: V.41-44 “Christ is greater than divine humanity but He is divinity in human form.”

Lesson 6: V.45-47 “Be aware of people who honor ceremony over sincerity and use their position for gain.”

Chapter 21
Lesson 7: V.1-4 “God honors the depth of your sacrifice more its weight.”

Lesson 8: V.5-9 “There are no endtime signs or prophesies; only God’s time.”

Lesson 9: V.10-28 “ Being a Christian in this world is hard but God will be with us every step of the way.”

Lesson 10: V.29-36 “We all must live faithful to God & His word that we endure these times until eternity.”